Friday 2 March 2012

Running out of time!! :(

Everything is forcing me to a dead end.. that i don't really care... but why is the time also pushing me... why since the start of this year i keep think time pass very fast!!.. WHY!!... i don;t have enough time luh... i can't think!! Tell or don't tell... go or don't go.. say or don't say.. give or don't give... @@ my brain is not working... :( i want to just leave it to god to decide... but by doing that i am hiding the fact of it as well as decided it.. and i might regret it.. but i really don't know... time just fly and fly... == just now see is 8 pm then become 10 pm suddenly... now 11 pm le... time really fly... why won't it pass slower.. == after writing this.. i just got my answer... why would i bother about the time passing so fast if i don't ............ i guess i knew the answer the whole time just didn't want to accept it.. why can't i accept it then... what is wrong with me!!.. haiz... :(

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