Thursday 8 March 2012


Why didn't you take me with you daddy.. ~~ instead you show me something else.. what are you trying to say.. you know.. i don't know how to feel anymore.. i really don't know to feel sad, happy or angry... i want to see more.. to know more.. show me.. i want to know about the answer to ALL my question... but you choose either to show me or to take me with you.. because i am tired... really tired.. wondering if i was every living here.. don't really remember much from my life... >~<'' how was it like to smile like i did last time.. i forget how it feels like.. when every one is small.. they are happy they laugh, they are sad they cry... now they are happy but crying inside... when they are sad they act happy outside... :( i want to be a small child.. being a child you don't have any problems.. is just you and your play world... :(

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