Tuesday 6 March 2012

Gave up..

This is for all my friends.. i am fine you don't have to worry. :) this is not the first time i cried by myself... :) but this is the first time i wish to be alone.. if you ask me what happen.. nothing much.. i don't wish to remember either.. knowing that i so used to people around helping me.. what if one day you all are gone... who am i to look for help.. so i really need to be alone.. and all i need now is time to pass.. please don't why me.. just treat it as i am dead or that i travel somewhere far.. might not ever return.. or can take it as though i change to someone you don't have to understand... knowing that a lot of you try very hard to understand what is wrong with me.. or why am i like this.. or everything about me.. now that my soul is not with me.. you don't need to have a hard time to figure out.. i smile i will smile.. i cry i will cry.. is that simple.. don't ever want to be a complicated me again.. i want a simple and lonely happy life. hope you all will understand. :)

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