Tuesday 6 March 2012

Heartless.. ;)

My soul is gone now.. so i am no difference from being heartless... a fake smile changes everything... that smile.. someone once told me... smile.. no matter good or bad just smile.. and a smile can brighten your day.. no matter how dark it is.. but he is wrong... i smile can only brighten the days of people around you... when you smile they smile with you... and smile is a mask that everyone wears with them... in order to hide their real self... a smile is needed.. yet it actually works... it felt like lying to everyone... but who isn't.. if you think it in a way everyone 'wears' a smile... and to think that they lie to everyone that they are smiling... but the true fact is that everyone is lying to themselves that their friends are smiling cause they smile.. how can everyone be smiling when the mask is on and crying inside of them... this is the world i see now..

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