Friday 16 March 2012

3 more days...

3 more days till my birthday.. wonder what will happen on that day... hmm... receive lots of presents.. well counted lots cause only a few remember.. thank two of my best friend :) one gave me a puzzle and the other a ring. SO NICE!! :) today receive another present from my secondary school friend.. XD A BIG TEDDY!!.. it so big.. @@ haha.. soft soft i LOVE it.. but why do i still feel lonely.. even after so many friends cared... is like they are just people passing pass my life... not here to stay for long.. today.. my father's birthday.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY!!.. i miss you.. i miss the time when we eat together... i miss the time we go out together.. i miss... i just miss it... i feel sick... hope i don't fall sick though i know.. i am sick.. (* ** ******* *** ***.. ** *** **** ****... * **** ***... * ****** ** ********* **** ******** **** ***..... *** * ***** * **** ** *** ****... dreams never do come true... i wish for too much...)

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