Sunday 5 February 2012


If i continue on like this... it will be a habit soon... omg... got to stop... but is like so hard... haiz.. aiyo today eat too much... FULL ~~ >~<'' tmr later gain 10kg... omgosh dies... TT..... (would you stop being so kind to me.. i can't hold it in any longer... to you maybe normal.. maybe you treat everyone the same... but to me is a big differences... if you know my past you will understand.. i don't want to treat you as a replacement.. i can't bare to do it.. but if you continue being this kind to me.. i will soon fall in and never want to come out.. is hard for me you know.. hope you will understand.. already trying to control myself... but your kindness is making me lose control of myself.. please stop.. i should also stop....) :(

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