Tuesday 28 February 2012

Knowing ~~

Sometimes is best not to know.. other times is best to pretend you don't know.. but now i really want to know if i like you a not.. thinking about liking him for 3 plus year.. is like nothing suddenly... did i even like him before.. maybe at first i did.. and then in the end it becomes a habit.. (let me keep the rest of the thought) now as for the liking him or not.. (not the same person) i want to know.. but i just have this feeling this is not the time for me to know.. i guess there is a lot of this not meant for me to know.. as for the whether he like me a not i don't know either.. i want to know but.. timing not right.. plus i am kind of afraid to know.. my friends say he like me.. but who knows.. they are not him after all... okay topic ended.. not thinking of it anymore.. *smack* think of you coming exam! @@

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