Tuesday 17 January 2012

What are you thinking sia... ==

What the hell are you doing sia... focus on your story.. write the story not be in the story.. ><'' I will complete the story my own story.. a story that is like my dreams.. dreams are fake but then they are magical.. cause to me it happen before.. to other i am just in my wonderland.. but i am always in my wonderland and always have been.. is just no one can see the wonderland in the way i see.. a bright sun shine everyday. :) clouds bloom like flower.. rain fall like snow.. slowly disappearing and coming back again.. like memories you are suppose to remember.. and forgotten.. one day it will come back again.. if you see rain like snow it will be different... even though it came back but it brought smile to kids to adults.. a wonderful memory to keep.. even if it is sad.. it's part of you that can't be change.. and don't change it.. it's perfect as it is.. :)

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