Saturday 28 January 2012

Blank.. *~*

Think too much now mind gone blank.. gosh.. why after i learn this chess game.. MY WHOLE LIFE LIKE CHANGING!!! now the worst part is coming.. i can't see the change.. but i can feel it's changing.. == WHAT'S CHANGING!?!!? ONE DAY!! ONE DAY!! i am so going to find out how this freaking game is played!!.. i wonder how they even create a game that you can't think.. i guess it's new for me.. everything needs to think.. and this doesn't.. maybe.. i can use this not thinking to solve problems i have i guess.. but for now it's creating a BIG problems for me.. hope i get use to it soon.. brain cracking.. if i don't get use to it soon.. i am so going to have head pain everyday... thinking also hurts not thinking also hurts... WHAT IS THIS SIA!!

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