Friday 11 May 2012

Horoscope :)

Though i been reading a lot about it.. but i wish to write it.. to help others with.. and it just all come to.. maybe i don't know enough.. maybe i need to research more.. maybe what i write it's not true.. but i still find it cool.. people might not know.. but i know that each person horoscope is different.. as in they act differently somewhere.. because you maybe born on that day of the horoscope, but you still need to see the year you are born in, the blood type you are, what horoscope are the people around you.. these all make who you are.. there is 12 horoscope, the is 12 zodiac, there is 4 blood type, there are 365 birthday.. so now now can you see how special you are? this is call individual!! so though someone might be similar to you.. but they can never be the same as you.. planning to take notes of it and maybe write it out.. (or how about this.. so do you think i should do it? anyone to answer that question??)

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