Wednesday 11 April 2012


I am greedy i know.. but i can't help it.. i want.. i want everyone to smile... i want.. i want everyone to be happy.. i want... i want everyone to be healthy.. i want... i want to have a lot of friends... true friends.. i want.. i want lots of money to help this world... i want... i want to have a peaceful life... i want... i want everyone to be problems free... i want... i want... everything i also want.. but not everything i can have.. i guess that is what you call fair.. or share.. because if god is our parents... then everyone is my siblings... and that they always said you must share.. give... but why.. why some people's life... is just so good... and some is just that bad.. share... then why is everyone one not equal... there is always a bias somewhere... i want it to be fair.. we are all humans afterall...

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