Monday 30 April 2012


Shining brightly.. feeling the warmth of it.. twinkle goes the stars... like many eyes winking at you... hoping to catch your eyes.. and that only people who would stop and look at the world will see it.. people who are rushing.. rushing pass.. rushing to earn money... rushing to learn more... rushing to take revenge? they are the once who won't be able to take a look at how pretty the sky is... i guess the heart is worth breaking? it because that everytime i get hurt... thinking that the world is like ending... when i take a look at it.. i realize that this beautiful world is always there with me... and that i didn't have the time to see it.. now that i see it.. i want everyone to be able to see it as well.. so please slow down and take a good look at things around you... take a look at how your family and friends love you... that a look at the mirror see how much you have grown.. and that everyone is growing.. your parents are growing older and not younger.. treasure them.. love them... and reminder to all mother's day is coming.. make something, buy something or do something for the lovely mother you have.. the one that care for you since young... 14 more days to go.. so start planning now!! well actually is 13.. cause today is ending soon. XD

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