Wednesday 25 April 2012

Dreams and Wonders

I want to do a lot of things.. suddenly.. i am guessing the way for me to stop thinking about unimportant things.. i have to keep myself busy... very busy.... i can't even have a little break... if not all will come to me again... now i plan to buy 28 note books... well.. at least i think i only need 28 of them... hope it goes well.. cause well... a lot things never went well in my life... i always have this sudden feeling that i am more then who i think i am.. or i can do this.. or i can do better... but then sometimes... when my hopes are up so high... it just comes down.. very fast.. and then it will seem that i am wasting my time... now i am guess... must make use of the hope when it is up high... before it comes down.. so i am kind of racing against time.. maybe i will be able to complete it.. or maybe not... but what matters is that i did my best and i enjoy it.. so well... SMILE :)

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