Thursday 18 October 2012

What if..

What if i miss you.. what if i was thinking of you.. what if i wish you were here.. what if the skies here were full of star.. what if it's forever full moon.. what if i was giving up.. what if i am stilling loving you.. what if i suddenly disappear.. what if you were here.. what if i need you.. what if!! what... if... i really don't know anymore.. you are near but yet so far.. so far until i can't see you.. what to do.. tired.. pray for a better tomorrow.. not sure am i even gonna be given that chance.. if i was going to die.. i wish i had a lot of money at that time.. hope to plan something unforgettable at least before everything end.. and i start losing who i am finding.. where am i? who am i? why am i me? what am i suppose to do? when can i find myself? how can i do that?

Wednesday 3 October 2012

For how long?

How long has it been since i haven't write anything here.. very long i guess.. either way nothing to look forward here... haiz.. truth is i know how adults see me.. adults referring to my uncles and aunts.. i know they think that i am lazy.. and may be a bad influence to their kids or whatsoever but seriously.. what you want me to do.. i go there on a holiday not go there study like crazy.. even if i want to study i don't have the mood to do it.. so what is your problem?? i am tired of knowing how you all see me.. so what.. your child is smarter than me.. i am not them.. why must i be smart/ hardworking just to be able to love by you all.. i am just trying to be who i am isn't that good enough already? i am who i am... so please stop comparing me with everyone... i am the only one in this world who is me.. GET IT!?!?! ME!! Not him.. Not her.. Not them.. Not they.. ME!! and only me.. == seriously.. i give up.. that is what everybody wants.. a smart, hardworking........ people.. why am i in this world anyway.. why does everyone want me to be who they want.. seriously... if you can't do it how the hell you want me to do it.. life is getting harder you know.. not easier.. i am already stress enough.. can you all just stop it.. i am already at the cliff end.. who you want me do.. i only got two choice.. one jump down the cliff (give up).. two push pass all of you (try again).. but you are no giving me a chance to push pass... i really don't know anymore.. so should i continue studying.. i really don't see myself in the light anymore.. no matter how hard i try i can never the person to please all of you.. really.. i can't.. is not that i don't want.. but seriously.. nevermind.. i know one day.. that day is closer.. i feel it.. i will go crazy.. i wish everyone the best.. i'll be praying for that day to come slower..

Friday 17 August 2012


I suddenly became very afraid.. i don't want to lose.. growing up is a part of life but.. i don't want.. shows that like will soon be all gone.. is already disappearing now.. i just hope i stays there.. because it can at least make me feel that no matter how to world change something is still there.. waiting for me to recall.. if i had a chances i will buy all the anime i love all the movie i love and just pray that they won't be broken.. lost.. yes world you can change the future.. but please don't delete my past.. it means a lot to me.. no matter how bad it is..

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Do you know?.. or do i know..?

I really don't know what is wrong with me.. everytime i see you like that get angry.. i get piss off.. i wonder is it because you change.. or maybe i am the one who change. or is that i am unable to help you at all.. i.. haiz.. forget it.. >~<'' i give up.. so tired..

Monday 16 July 2012

In the end..

I didn't have time to post the story up.. i didn't finish it.. more like i didn't bother.. haiz.. everything is going to pile up soon.. i wish teacher would give us the project already.. >~<'' he better give it now if not i won't have the mood to do it le!!.. not only no mood also no time... AHHHHHH!!!! :S *faints*  everything getting harder and harder.. :(

Saturday 7 July 2012


Maybe since my blog is kind of dead... i don't know what to share.. or what is positive.. is to complicated to think about it.. so i think i will use it to write a story a make up one see how things goes... i am hoping i will have many idea on how to write the story.. hope you all can imagine the story the way that i did.. or at least get what i am writing...

I don't know how..

I really really hate you at times.. i guess i am a type of person that doesn't want to be forgotten.. but it seems i am easily forgotten.. was it something i done? or did i not do enough.. i used to say so long you are happy nothing matters.... but now i don't know already.. no matter what is out there waiting for me i have to face it on my own right? i get it now.. it so clear now.. pray for the future then..